9 Reasons Why You Should Never Check Bae’s Phone (Photos)

Snooping on lovers’ phones is a common but not so cool thing to do. It always creates trouble far worse than an NYS scandal.

Just because you can, it doesn’t mean you should find out everything you possibly can about someone, even someone you’re sleeping with or married to. Sometimes it’s just better to remain ignorantly blissful. Here’s why:

1. You will definitely find something you wish you hadn’t.

Everyone has dirt. If your partner doesn’t want to tell you something, there is a reason for that. When you check your bae’s phone, you will find something weird- trust me. As hurting as it may be, it really does nothing to change the fact that it’s the plain truth. When you make that decision to snoop, you are bound to find something that you will not like at all, even if it is something that’s completely insignificant.

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2. You might get caught snooping.

Getting caught snooping is just as disastrous as finding something you don’t like. When you are caught doing it, you will lack an explanation or even if you do, it will simply not be good enough. If your lover finds out you don’t trust them, they begin to lose interest in you. You surely don’t want that to happen, do you?

No Nope Will Smith SMH shake my head

3. You will feel guilty. 

Whether you find something sinister or not, you will end up regretting the decision to snoop. Trying to dig up evidence is an uncool thing to do. If you happen to discover something, you might regret why you even bothered to know, and if you don’t, you will regret ever doubting your bae. Which brings me to my next point.

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4. It’s invasion of their privacy.

Great relationships are built on trust. It takes a while to build this trust but it only takes a moment to destroy it. Don’t let that moment be you snooping through your loved one’s phone. I understand that it can be scary to place your heart in someone’s hands and trust them not to break it, but going through their phone won’t take away that fear.

Image: Omgvoice

5. It will become an addiction. 

It might seem like an innocent thing to do at first but next thing you know, you’re practicing your ninja skills every time bae leaves the room—you silently summersault over to their phone at lightning speed, just to see if anything is amiss. Meanwhile, your heart hammers as you listen for her footsteps coming down the hall. It’s all not worth it.

barber phone social media addict

6. You wouldn’t like it if the same was done to you. 

Think about it the other way round. How would you feel if you found out bae was secretly looking through your phone, reading all of your Whatsapp messages and even checking your MPESA messages? You’d probably feel pretty violated, annoyed and hurt. Treat others how you want to be treated, you know?


7. You might misinterpret things. 

Text messages can be really hard to interpret because you’re just looking at words – you’re not seeing the person’s expression or hearing their voice. What you read could mean something totally different than it sounds. Also, you don’t know the context of every conversation because it’s not your conversation. This translates to the next point.

what people think

8. You could see something that was not meant for you.

Our phones are not just a device used to call and text anymore. They are our journals, our cameras and our recorders. They are very essential tools for us so we store all sort of things in them. However, while you’re checking their phone, you might come across something that was a very private thing. Like a quarrel with their mum or secret dealings with a client. You could see a private conversation of them with their closest friends or family. You could even come across some awkward pictures of them which they had kept for just themselves. Don’t put yourself in that awkward position; never check their phone.


9. They might hide stuff from you even more carefully next time.

What do you do when you find out someone successfully unlocked your kufuli? You get a bigger and more secure one. Same case applies here. When bae finds out you’re snooping, they might not tell you but they’ll put in more security measures, making it difficult for you to ever find out anything else. They’ll put a password that’s more complex than PLO Lumumba’s English. As if that’s not enough, the phone will always be kept far away from you.

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