DON’T READ IF YOU CRY EASILY!!! See Last Conversation Between A Victim Of Uyo Church Collapse And A Friend


Tijesunimi Emmanuel Ajala posted:

Hmmmmmmm, I am writing this with a heavy, grieved heart, extremely tearful eyes and shaky body. This is an extremely bitter pill for me to swallow. “O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? (1Corinthians 15:15 KJV). I remember clearly you saying you just returned from church the previous night and with so much excitement telling me you were going to church in few hours during our conversation. You told me goodnight at exactly 2:23am GMT but I did not know you meant it.

You actually did mean it. Yes you did. You told me goodnight. We both never knew that was going to be the last and final time we would discuss. I cut short the conversation because I was tired and sleepy which you agreed to. I saw online from someone’s status about the unfortunate incident in which you were a victim. I then clearly remember you attend the church and could possibly be there.

Immediately I became restless in-bed and started calling your phone severally without a response. I started ringing your friends and two of them confirmed to me. I know you were committed to everything your hand found doing in church, the Uni. even the reality Show you hosted. You showed me true friendship. I remember meeting you as a stranger but we became friends and you became a sister.

We do wish ourselves success in all our endeavours.
I remember the value of our friendship. I remember how we could talk about anything and almost everything without holding back. I am glad we had a beautiful last moment discussing positively about now and the future. Am glad I always listened to you even when it wasn’t convenient for me. What if I wasn’t listening to you everytime you wanted to say something claiming to be busy busy and busy.

Who is not busy? Everyone is I guess. Truthfully no one is too busy to create time for the ones they care about. I knew you as a strong lady in the midst of challenges. I had to request for your picture to ascertain your condition. That made me believe you had departed indeed. At this my down moment, I refuse to query God, I refuse to ask God questions. Even if he slays me, yet I will serve him. Jesus Christ come and talk more to me. I need your peace. Come and take away my tears. I need you now more than ever. My heart is heavy and weary. I am confused. I love you Peace of God but Jesus loves you the most.

This was a coincidence with an Uncle who just returned from a visit to his dad. We spoke on phone and he told me that they rang him days back that his dad had passed-on. I said “WOW!!” No wonder you travelled thousands of miles to go visit him. What if you didn’t go, you could have possibly missed the last moments with dad.
NB: Please I beg you reciprocate true love to those who show you love.

Hold no grudge against people. Serve God sincerely. Help people around you. You never can tell it might just be the last moment you have. Nobody wants to die but death could show-up at anytime. My prayer is “You will fulfil your days in the land of the living.”

from NaijaNewsPlus

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