Dear Ladies : If A Man Tells You Any Of These words, Run for your Dear Life(MUST READ)

I saw this piece which I consider funny and I thought it wise to share, of course this must have been written by a lady………….
It doesn’t matter how much of a gentleman he has been up until that point: if a man you’re getting to know at a bar, on a date, or online says any of these lines, run —before he breaks your heart, or gives you the overwhelming urge to slap him.
*“I Could Never Date A Woman Who Earns More Than I Do ”
So essentially, this man’s sense of self-worth, his sense of having an equal hand in a relationship, his sense of being amancompletely goes out the window when your salary exceeds his. It wouldn’t just bother him a little to not be able to treat you to nicer things. He is saying hecould not standto have a woman make more money than he does. Forget if she is happy in her career: if it makes him unhappy , he’s out of there. Pretty selfish when you think about it that way.
* “I Banged This One Chick”
Don’t trust guys who say banged in seriousness. Plenty of guys use that term jokingly, but men who use it in casual conversation, in lieu of “hooked up with” or “slept with” have pretty degrading views of women . Think about that word: “banged.” It implies asserting complete control over something, it can even imply causing pain to something, and it implies doing something rapidly then moving on. Gee. What a romantic.
* “I Don’t Find Women Funny”
Science has actually found a connection between a sense of humor and intelligence. That study helps us make a quick connection to this next point: men who say women aren’t funny are essentially saying women are not smart. To be funny you need to be astute, to pick up on subtle, unspoken connections happening around you, to analyze people. A man who says a woman isn’t funny is saying that a woman can’t do those things.
* “What Happens In Vegas Stays In Vegas”
Anyone who actually uses this saying as a license to cheat on their significant other, get arrested for indecent exposure, pick upa street walker, and gamble away money is someone who is looking for excuses to behave poorly. And they’ll look for them Vegas or no Vegas.
* “I Don’t Like To Use Condoms”

This is not an excuse not to use one! I mean, try a little harder like, “I just got all my test results back and they were negative” or “I’ve never had unprotected sex before.” I’m not saying a women should consent to not using a condom for those reasons, but at least it shows that you don’t think you’re completely entitled to putting a woman at risk of painful and even deadly illnesses, all because you don’t “like’ to use condoms. Sorry, do you also not like the crusts left on your sandwich little boy?
* “She Was Such A H*”
Are some women, well, slutty? Yes. Does anything good come of calling them so? No. Only a very angry man—typically with anger against women in general—openly calls his ex girlfriend a “wh*re.”
* “Because She Was Being silly ”
If this is a man’s answer when you ask, “So why did you and your ex breakup?” you have a man with zero communication skills on your hands. Oh, and to compensate for his barely-there vocabulary, he just trash talks his ex. “She was being silly”? What is she—a friend who stole your toy truck?
* “So I Just Stopped Answering Her Calls ”
Another non-communicator on your hands. You know all those guys who broke your heart and made you feel like you didn’t matter when they just stopped responding to your texts and calls? Well just because this particular guy didn’t do that to you, he is still one of them! He is the type who will avoid confrontation and open communication at all costs, even if that means making a woman think she’s done something wrong when she has not.
Men who can’t speak like grownups are not grownups. It’s okay to occasionally—jokingly—speak in Twitter jargon. But a guy who speaks like this regularly, and seriously, probably also still drinks too much during the week and “bangs” chicks.
*“I Got Hookups All Over Town ”
If a guy is telling you how he could get you into the busiest clubs, get you a table right now at the most sought after restaurant, and introduce you to a celebrity this means two things: A) He is proud of some pretty silly stuff and B) He is a major partier/playboy!
* “My Girlfriend /Wife Just Doesn’t Understand Me ”
Philandering men love to appeal to a woman’s sensitive side when looking for a hookup. They know women like to analyze and “understand” people and when they hear those little magic words, “My wife doesn’t understand me…” it’s like a challenge to understand the guy. And somehow, in the process, he can try to seduce you. If this guy actually cared about his marriage/relationship he wouldn’t be out telling strangers in tight dresses about his problems: he’d be at home fixing them

from NaijaNewsPlus

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