My Husband Demands Anal/Oral Se*x 3 Weeks After Putting to Bed….Please What Should I Do?

breastfeedingGood day, my name is ****. I am a blog reader from Ketu  Lagos. I got married december 6 last year. i was about 2 months gone then. Everything has been fine until last 3 weeks when i put to bed. My private part was given 2 tear incisions during delivery so my daughter could be born. We were discharged 5 days later. My mum is late so we decided that my mother inlaw would come over to assist me with the baby.
Since last week, I noticed that my husband has always been moody unlike the elated man who couldnt controll his joy at the hospital when he first held our daughter in his hands. I asked to know what was wrong and he said that he is horny and always wake up with erection. he said he couldnt stop having se x in the dream. I told him that its just 2-3 weeks and he is already complaining. The nurse said that my body will heal completely in about 6 to 10 weeks. I told him that he should hold on since his mother was helping me dab hot water that i may heal faster. I even lied to him that i am still discharging blood to make him wait. that was when i saw another part of this man that i did not know exist. 
he told me that i was not being considerate. he said that if i loved him that i should be helping him relieve himself by sucking his penis until he came or allowing him have se x with me through the anus. To say i was shocked was an understatement, how could he be se x starved in just 3-4  weeks. I suggested that he relieve himself but he claims that mas turbation causes bad luck in business and reduces life span so he cannot mas turbate. I cried my self to sleep that day while he left the house.
When i woke up later i called his phone but he was not picking, I sent him a text that he should not worry that i will help him to release that night. when he came home that night, I tried doing the sucking thing. That was the biggest punishment ever. I sucked this man for almost 1 hour yet nothing was coming out. at a point my entire jaw was aching and i couldnt continue. he asked me to stop that my tongue was wounding him and he just got up and walked out angry not even acknowldging my efforts. 
He didnt come home again that night. his mother demanded to know what was wrong and i told her everything. All she could say was that boys will always be boys that i should understand and be patient with him. she said that satisfying my husband at all cost was my responsibility and that its a normal thing for men to do that. That was when i missed my mum the most because no right thinking woman would say such rubbish to me. the next morning, he came home and i asked to know where he went to over night and why he was being so inconsiderate. he didnt respond. he just dressed up dropped some money on the dinning table and left for work. Later that evening , he came home at almost after 9pm. i made his bath water and served his food. i went to his room and knocked and when he opened, i told him that i am sorry that we can try the se x through the anus thing tho i have never tried it before. 
That was my greatest mistake. after rubbiung baby vaseline on my anus. he tried to enter and i felt a pain that i have never felt my entire life. The pain of labour and delivery is nothing compared to what i felt that night. i screemed and run out of the room. i went straight to the toilet and used a tissue to wipe my anus and there was blood every where. instead of this man to show some pity, he came out and started raining abuses on me. he threatened to go and bring a prostiotute that will satisfy him. his mother joined in cursing me calling me selfish and other names.

since then my va gina hurts ,  my anus hurts, my jaw seem out of place that i cant even chew properly. sitting down is impossible. I dont know what to do. he rarely comes home since then and only speaks to me about the baby. I am in a terrible situation. The joy of motherhood has turned to sorrow for me. please what do you advice me to do. i believe that other mothers may have had such an experience

from NaijaNewsPlus

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