It’s true what they say: If you don’t use it, you lose it. S*x is good for our body in ways we can’t even imagine. From better sleep, to a stronger immune system, to burning calories and boosting our mood, getting some is good in many ways.
Of course, that also means that NOT having s*x is pretty bad for us. All the benefits of sex are LOST when we start to lose out on orgasms. That’s not to say that it’s wrong to take a s*x break now and then. Life gets in the way, or we may be between relationships and it’s just not part of our daily life equation. Or we’re maybe just not in the mood. Whether we’re not feeling our best or are under a lot of of stress, sex sometimes just stops happening. And that’s more than OK — we just need to accept that our bodies are going to respond and react in a major way.
And the part of the body that suffers most? Our va g!nas, of course. Brain games keep your mind agile, cardio workouts build your heart health, weight training makes your muscles strong, and sex keeps your vagina in tiptop shape. “Your vagina is a use it or lose it o rgan. Stimulation brings oxygenated, nutrient-rich blood to the vagina and vulva, which helps to keep the tissue supple, elastic, and lubricated. If you’re not having regular s*x with a partner, it’s essential keep your v* gina happy and healthy with masturbation. Self-pleasure brings all these benefits,” says Tristan Weedmark of We-Vibe. Below, we’re sharing all the ways our vaginas lose out when we stop having regular s*x.
1. It doesn’t get tighter— that’s a myth! Taking a break from s*x doesn’t tone the pelvic floor, “tighten” the vagina, or cause the hymento reappear. “If it feels as though your v*gina is tighter after you’ve taken a hiatus from s*x, it may be more related to tension or a lack of comfort/arousal. If you’re a little nervous diving back in, take your time, use lube, and wait until your arousal levels are high before sliding anything inside,” says Dr. Jess, Astroglide’s resident se xologist.
2. It may take you longer to reach orgasm. “When my clients take a break, they sometimes experience a little delay getting back into the groove. In most cases, this is related to their fear of ‘letting go.’ Since part of the brain (thelateral orbitofrontal cortex) shuts down during orgasmic response, the willingness to surrender to sexual sensations is necessary to orgasm in most cases,” says Dr. Jess. This doesn’t mean that taking a break from sex is a bad idea, but simply that you may have toreacquaint your body with orgasmic sensations when/if you decide to resume sexual activity. This, of course, can be part of the fun!
from NaijaNewsPlus