Unbelievable!! 16 English words you are probably pronouncing wrongly

Granted, English might not be your first language so it is conceivable that you might not know the real pronunciation of a few words in the language.

Here are 16 of the most common mispronounced words by a lot of people.




1. Often

Wrong: “OFF-tin”  Right:  “OFF-in”

2. Vice Versa

Wrong: “Vice-a-versa”  Right: “Vice-Versa (as spelt)”

3. Niche

Wrong: “Nitch”   Right: “Neesh”

4. Antarctica

Wrong: “An-AR-tica”  Right: “Ant-ARC-tica”

5. Hyperbole

Wrong: “Hyper-bowl”  Right: “Hi-PER-boh-lee”

6. Picture

Wrong: “Pitch-uhr”  Right: “Pick-tchur”

7. Supposedly

Wrong: “Sug-pose-uh-bly”  Right: “Suh-pose-id-ly”

8. Hierarchy

Wrong: “HI-ar-key”  Right: “Hi-er-ar-key”

9. Mauve

Wrong: “Mawv”  Right: “Mowv”

10. Taupe

Wrong: “Taaaa-ope”  Right: “Tope”

11. Nuclear

Wrong: “Nuke-you-lur”   Right: “Noo-clear”

12. Potable

Wrong: “Pot-able”  Right: “Poat-able”

13. Accessory

Wrong: “Ass-ess-ory”  Right: “Ak-sess-sory”

14. Ticklish

Wrong: “Tick-uh-lish”  Right: “Tick-lish”

15. Voluptuous

Wrong: “Vol-ump-tuous”  Right: “Vol-up-tuous”

16. Respite

Wrong: “Res-pait”  Right: “Res-pit.”

from NaijaNewsPlus http://www.naijanewsplus.com/unbelievable-16-english-words-you-are-probably-pronouncing-wrongly/

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